

亚历山大·仲马(Alexandre Dumas),人称大仲马,法国19世纪浪漫主义作家。 大仲马各种著作达300卷之多,以小说和剧作为主。 代表作有:《亨利第三及其宫廷》、《基督山伯爵》、《三个火枪手》等。

大仲马小说大都以真实的历史作背景,情节曲折生动,往往出人意料,有历史惊险小说之称。 结构清晰明朗,语言生动有力,对话灵活机智等构成了大仲马小说的特色。 大仲马也因而被后人美誉为“通俗小说之王”。


1、If you want something, you have to make it free, if it comes back to you, it belongs to you, and if it doesn’t come back, you never have it.
如果你渴望得到某样东西,你得让它自由,如果它回到你身边,它就是属于你的,如果它不会回来, 你就从未拥有过它。

2、Melancholy is because of oneself incompetence, worry is because desire is not satisfied, irritable is a kind of empty expression.

3、My friend, said the count, I have still one doubt, are you weak enough to pride yourself upon your sufferings?

4、If we break up, it is not out of my intention, you know, trees do not want to leave the flowers, flowers leave the tree.

5、When you have a wound in the future, be sure to cover it properly, silence is the last joy of the unfortunate man; please do not leak your painful trace to anyone, a deer injured, there are many flies bite out of its blood, we suffer, we have curious people suck our tears.
你将来有了伤口的时候务必好好地遮掩住它,沉默是不幸的人的最后的喜悦; 请您不要把您的痛苦的痕迹泄漏给任何人,一条鹿受了伤,就有许多蝇子叮出它的血,我们受到痛苦就有好奇的人吸出我们的眼泪。

6、Happiness is a pair of shoes do not fit only one person knows.

7、A wise man never asks much what he shouldn’t know and does not believe anything he does not want to believe.

8、I have no fear of ghosts, and I have never heard it said that so much harm had been done by the dead during six thousand years as is wrought by the living in a single day.

9、Just give him a little hope and he’ll be patient. Otherwise, if he falls into despair, he will go to extremes.
只要给他一点希望,他就会耐心等待。 否则,一旦他陷入绝望的话,就会走极端。

10、No regrets about the past, confidence in the present, full of hope for the future.

11、The true meaning of life is pain, loneliness can create great mind.

12、All evil is but two medicines, time and silence.

13、A relentless lesson in the eyes of the Church to observe danger and to endure pain.

14、I love people who love me, and I hate people who hate me.

15、Whoever had a moment of timidity might have let go of the sweet bait that fortune had given him in that instant.

16、Pain and loneliness are good medicine for young people, they not only make the soul better, higher, but also maintain its youthful color.

17、Because God holds time and eternity, two things are beyond man’s control.

18、The curse of the dead is sometimes worse than the hatred of the living.

19、If anything happens, who knows? He who laughs last.

20、You know everything about other people’s lives, and mentally you have a certain sense of superiority over them.

21、As we wait, time naturally drives things to keep going.

22、The uninhibited can sometimes do some noble deeds more than the benevolent.

23、History relies only on facts to explain, and never on any speculation.

24、The same knowledgeable people talk about words, it is more than ten years of reading.

25、Capable women are always good at finding the weaknesses of capable men.

26、A loyal person, also unavoidable in the heart of personal wish.

27、It is our Supreme Creed to repay evil with virtue.

28、You have to pretend to be good, and people think you’re good.

29、If you want to maintain friendship with a person, you must not expose his secrets, especially those relating to self-esteem.

30、How powerful a truly great character can have on the people around them.

31、Things are man-made, as long as the use of brains, there will always be a way.

32、For the sake of Fame and fame, an artist often needs to become mean and low, bowing to his ears.

33、Behind the present fortune lies a fear of the future.

34、For some people with strong character, it is easy to change from boredom, debauchery, emptiness of mind to hard work.
對一些性格剛強的人來說,由無聊、放蕩、心靈空虛,變成兢兢業業、 辛勤工作是輕而易舉的。

35、I was born Free of the joy and quiet of my family. For me, freedom, space, storms are more important than peace and monotonous happiness!

36、It is useless to deal with love as a war.

37、I looked at the sea with fascination, breathed its bitter, listened silently to the ever-ending whisper, and silently appreciated the endless glamour. When I don’t see the sea for a long time, just as I can’t see a lovely lover for a long time, I feel very sad.
我着迷似地望着大海,疯狂地呼吸着它那苦涩的气味,静静地聆听着永无休止的低语,默默地欣赏着那无穷无尽的魅力。 当我长期看不到大海的时候,就像我长时间见不到可爱的情人一样,感到无比的惆怅。

38、What a man earnestly desires, what he wants from the man who has them, or what he takes, is always kept by those who hold them. As a result, nine out of 10 of our faults are made under the plausible excuse of “necessity” .
一个人热切地想得到的东西,想从拥有它们的人手里得到,或者夺到的东西,往往总是被那些人死死地看守住的。 因而,我们的过错,十有八九是在'必需如此'的似是而非的借口下铸成的。

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