

卡尔·马克思,全名卡尔·海因里希·马克思(德语:Karl Heinrich Marx,1818年5月5日-1883年3月14日),马克思主义的创始人之一,第一国际的组织者和领导者,马克思主义政党的缔造者,全世界无产阶级和劳动人民的革命导师,无产阶级的精神领袖,国际共产主义运动的开创者。

马克思是德国伟大的思想家、政治学家、哲学家、经济学家、革命理论家和社会学家。 主要著作有《资本论》、《共产党宣言》等。 马克思创立的广为人知的哲学思想为历史唯物主义,其最大的愿望是对于个人的全面而自由的发展。 马克思创立了伟大的经济理论。


就他个人而言,他的极其伟大的著作是《资本论》,马克思确立他的阐述原则是“政治经济学批判”。 马克思认为,这是“政治经济学原理”的东西,这是“精髓”,后来人可以在这个基础上继续去研究。 马克思认为资产阶级的灭亡和无产阶级的胜利是同样不可避免的。 他和恩格斯共同创立的马克思主义学说,被认为是指引全世界劳动人民为实现社会主义和共产主义伟大理想而进行斗争的理论武器和行动指南。

1、If we have chosen the position in life in which we can most of all work for mankind, no burdens can bow us down, because they are sacrifices for the benefit of all; then we shall experience no petty, limited, selfish joy, but our happiness will belong to millions, our deeds will live on quietly but perpetually at work, and over our ashes will be shed the hot tears of noble people.
如果我们选择了最能为人类而工作的职业,那么,重担就不能把我们压倒,因为这是为大家做出的牺牲; 那时我们所享受的就不是可怜的、有限的、自私的乐趣,我们的幸福将属于千百万人,我们的事业将悄然无声地存在下去,但是它会永远发挥作用,而面对我们的骨灰,高尚的人们将洒下热泪。

2、The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways: the point, however, is to change it.

3、The weapon of criticism cannot, of course, replace criticism of the weapon, material force must be overthrown by material force; but theory also becomes a material force as soon as it has gripped the masses.
批判的武器当然不能代替武器的批判,物质力量只能用物质力量来摧毁; 但是理论一经掌握群众,也会变成物质力量。

4、All social life is essentially practical.

5、There is no royal road to science, and only those who do not dread the fatiguing climb of its steep paths have a chance of gaining its luminous summits.

6、Sincere, very sensible life of friendship is priceless.

7、Friendship, like the morning fog, like purity, flattery does not get it, friendship can only be faithful to consolidate.

8、Economic basis decides overtop structure.

9、With luxuriant appearance, its decorate myself as arm ourselves with knowledge.

10、A person should be vivacious but disciplined, innocent but not childish, courageous but not rash, unyielding but principled, enthusiastic but not impulsive, optimistic but not blind.

11、When profits reach 10% , some people are stupid; when profits reach 50% , some people dare to take risks; when profits reach 100% , they dare to trample all laws of the world; and when profits reach 300% , even the gallows is not afraid.
当利润达到10%时,便有人蠢蠢欲动; 当利润达到50%的时候,有人敢于铤而走险; 当利润达到100%时,他们敢于践踏人间一切法律; 而当利润达到300%时,甚至连上绞刑架都毫不畏惧。

12、Life is like a sea. Only can a strong-willed person reach the opposite shore.

13、Self-destruction, a poisonous snake that eats and gnaws at the soul forever. it sucks the fresh blood of the mind and injects it with anachronism and despair.

14、The fact that man is derived from the physical world determines that man can never escape animal sex.

15、Where there is no obligation, there is no right.

16、Regret in the past, you’d better fight in the future.

17、One must learn to walk and wrestle. And only after wrestling can you learn to walk.

18、Conscience depends on one’s knowledge and all the ways of living.

19、If the people only work for yourself, he might become famous scholar, extremely intelligent people, good poet, but he could never become a real one is perfect and great.

20、The question whether objective truth can be attributed to human thinking is not a question of theory but is a practical question.

21、The philosophers have only interpreted the world in various ways; the point is to change it.

22、Capital comes into the world, from head to foot, with blood and dirty things.

23、Of course, writers have to earn money to live, writing, but he should never to earn money and life, writing.

24、Any time, I will not be satisfied, the more reading, the more profound I feel unsatisfied, the more I feel poor knowledge.

25、People who are foolish and vulgar, calculating and greedy for personal gain always see things that they think will suffer.

26、There is no royal road to science, and only those who do not dread the fatiguing climb of its steep paths have a chance of gaining its luminous summits.

27、The brilliance of youth, the key of ideals, the significance of life, and even the survival and development of mankind are all contained in these two words: struggle! Only struggle can heal the wounds of the past; only struggle is the hope and light of our nation.
青春的光辉,理想的钥匙,生命的意义,乃至人类的生存、发展,全包含在这两个字之中:奋斗! 只有奋斗,才能治愈过去的创伤; 只有奋斗,才是我们民族的希望和光明所在。

28、Whoever is tempted by the evil spirit of Fame and fame cannot keep his mind and will go in the direction of the irresistible force.

29、Is it the best test of your soul, character, mind, and morality that you can keep faith in your friend and always be a man worthy of him.

30、The truth is, best practises flint, –it was beating the more powerful, launch the glow more splendid.

31、No matter what obstacles I encounter, I have to move towards my goal.

32、No one is against freedom, and if so, at best it is against the freedom of others.

33、A good habit is a comfortable carriage. only by taking him can you run faster and faster.
良好的习惯是一辆舒适的马车 ,只有坐上他,你才能越跑越快。

34、All save, in the final analysis, boil down to the economy of time.

35、You see me as an ant, but one day I will be a lion.

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