罗奈尔得·威尔逊·里根(1911年2月6日-2004年6月5日),生于美国伊利诺州坦皮科城。 美国杰出的右翼政治家,曾担任第33任加利福尼亚州州长,第40任(第49-50届)美国总统(1981-1989年)。 他也是一名伟大的演讲家。
在踏入政坛前,里根也担任过运动广播员、救生员、报社专栏作家、电影演员、电视节目演员、励志讲师,并且是美国影视演员协会(Screen Actors Guild)的领导人。 他的演说风格高明而极具说服力,被媒体誉为“伟大的沟通者”(The Great Communicator)。 在唐纳德·特朗普之前的历任总统之中,他就职年龄最大。 他是历任总统中唯一一位演员出身的总统。
1、Self-made friendships last longer than bought ones.
2、We believe that lasting peace can only be achieved by strength and not by the goodwill of our opponents.
3、The government cannot solve the problem, it is the problem.
4、I think the biggest mistake some parents make today is ignoring the care and care of their children and effectively encouraging their sense of responsibility and self-worth. In general, children who lack parental support tend to have a lower sense of self-worth, preventing them from building good behavior and achieving higher achievements. This affects not only the individual and the family, but also the country.
我认为今天有些父母所犯的最大的错误是,忽视了对孩子的关心与照顾,以及有效的鼓励孩子们的责任感和认识到自我价值。 一般而言,缺乏父母支持的孩子,往往自我价值感较低,妨碍了他们建立良好的品行和达到较高的成就。 这不但影响孩子个人和家庭,而且对国家也不利。
5、In the struggle between two different social systems, the final decisive factor is not the nuclear bomb and the rocket, but the trial of will and thought.
6、Everyone should be held accountable for their failures. The structure of our society is composed of family, church, school, neighborhood, government and entertainment. In all the factors related to child development, there is a role imitation, and the most influential role imitation is the parent.
每一个人都应该为自己的失败负责。 我国社会的结构,是由家庭、教会、学校、左邻右舍、政府,以及娱乐场所等交织而成的。 在所有与孩子发展有关的因素中,都包含着一种角色的模仿,而影响角色模仿最大的,便是为人父母者。
7、Whatever I treasure and enjoy, all would be without meaning, if I didn’t have you.
8、One of the most important findings of a household survey is to confirm that the family does affect our social problems, that is, people are confused about right and wrong. The best way to build a life is to lead by example in everyday life. Therefore, as parents who educate their children, they must carefully examine their behavior.
家庭做一番调查,其中最重要的一个发现,是证实了家庭确实影响到我们的社会问题,那就是一般人的是非观念混淆不清。 而建立生活的是非观念最好的办法,是父母在日常生活中的以身作则。 因此,作为教育孩子的父母,必须小心检视自己的行为。
9、We are building a revitalized, strong and vibrant nation. But there are still many mountains to climb. We will not stop until every American can enjoy complete freedom, dignity and opportunity, like the rights that were born. We were born with the right to be citizens of this great nation.
我们正在打造一个再度活跃、强大和生机勃勃的国家。 但仍有许多高山需要攀登。 我们不会止步,直到每个美国人都能享受完全的自由、尊严和机会,像生来就有的权利一样。 我们生来就有权利成为这个伟大国家的公民。
10、If you have integrity, that’s more important than anything; nothing matters if you’re not honest.
如果你正直这比什么都重要; 如果你不正直什么也都无关紧要。
11、When you get to my age, if you stay alive, you must make many mistakes. So you learn, in the long run. You focus on everything. You change, you move forward.
当你到了我这个年纪,如果你一直好好活着,就一定犯下许多错误。 所以你学习,从长远考虑。 你集中所有精力。 你出现变化,你向前进。
12、It is always a tragedy that any child loses his or her parents by death, divorce, or abandonment. Some single families do take care of their children, but most Americans think that single families are not the ideal model.
任何一个孩子因死亡、离婚、被抛弃而失去父母,永远是个悲剧。 有些单身家庭确实也尽到了照顾自己孩子的责任,但是多数美国人认为,单身这家庭并不是理想的模式。
13、Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!
14、It’s not shooting, it’s killing.
15、We should invest to satisfy people’s curiosity about knowledge.
16、We can’t help everyone, but everyone can help others.
17、There are many children who survive the plight of single parents or their parents, but the need for their parents is still a human nature.
18、if I ache, it’s because we are apart and yet that can’ t be because you are inside and a part of me, so we really are not apart at all. yet I ache but would not be without the ache, because that would mean being without you and that I can ‘ t be because I love you.
如果我感到疼痛,那是因为我们分离。 然而这不可能,因为你在我体内,是我的一部分,所以我们实际上从未分离。 但我还是感到疼痛,没有疼痛不行,因为这意味着你不在身旁。 而我不能没有你,因为我爱你。
19、If justice is brave enough, then the devil will lose strength!
20、Honey, I told you, you should do this only if I didn’t get applause.