路德维希·凡·贝多芬 (Ludwig van Beethoven),出生于德国波恩,维也纳古典乐派代表人物之一,欧洲古典主义时期作曲家。
贝多芬在父亲严厉苛刻的教育下度过了童年,造就了他倔强、敏感激动的性格。 22岁开始终生定居于维也纳,创作于1803年至1804年间的《第三交响曲》标志着其创作进入成熟阶段。 此后20余年间,他数量众多的音乐作品通过强烈的艺术感染力和宏伟气魄,将古典主义音乐推向高峰,并预示了19世纪浪漫主义音乐的到来。
贝多芬一生创作题材广泛,重要作品包括9部交响曲、1部歌剧、32首钢琴奏鸣曲、5首钢琴协奏曲、多首管弦乐序曲及小提琴、大提琴奏鸣曲等。 因其对古典音乐的重大贡献,对奏鸣曲式和交响曲套曲结构的发展和创新,而被后世尊称为“乐圣”、“交响乐之王”。
1、Nothing can keep you alive, only your mood.
2、I would like to prove that those who act in a good and noble manner will be able to bear the burden of suffering.
3、There is no obstacle to a man of talent and labor.
4、I will take fate by the throat, it makes me paranoid to yield, it is absolutely impossible. Life is so beautiful, live it for one thousand years.
我要扼住命运的咽喉,它妄想使我屈服,这绝对办不到。 生活是这样美好,活它一千辈子吧。
5、Friendship is based on two people’s hearts and souls have the greatest similarity.
6、I have a falling head burning on the volcano, lava, desperately keen to struggle.
7、In all men, all who are strong, honest, brave and kind are heroes!
8、Open the window, opened his sharp eyes, do not let all the wind.
9、I have no idea what is more sacred than the birth of a child.
10、What do not have is more valuable and precious than time, so do not put off what you do today until tomorrow.
11、Our time needs a strong heart to spur the sad people.
12、No soul and with enjoyment is animal in a piece of flesh, and will always remain animalistic, afterward, a personal experience is not many noble sentiment, but a sense of regret.
13、Adversity is a stepping stone for the genius for is a wealth of talented people, and it is an abyss for the weak.
14、It is morality that supports me in adversity, which makes me not to commit suicide.
15、Anyone who understands music will be able to take it out of all his troubles.
16、Luck is like a ball so round, so naturally, it is not always rolled in the kindest and most noble man on the head.
17、As long as it is right, it will bring you everything.
18、For your children to teach only by virtue, virtue, not money, can make people happy, this is my wise remark of an experienced person.
19、When the dream and reality deviate from the course of life, you choose to rise or sink?
20、I am human brewing wine, Baku wine, I let the public enjoy is the spirit of madness.
21、When I’m alone, that’s when I’m not alone.
22、The true artist is not proud, because he lamented to see the boundaries of art is boundless. He often leave their goal too far and secretly sad, perhaps when someone told him that when he is admired, feel sad! He saw a higher genius than the sun, shining far ahead of him, but he was nowhere near that place.
真正的艺术家是不会骄傲的,因为他感叹地看到艺术的疆界是无边无垠的。 他常为自己离开追求的目标太远而暗自伤悲,也许当别人向他表示仰慕的时候,他正感到悲哀呢! 他看到比他更高的天才象太阳一般在遥远的前方发光,而自己则远远没有达到那个地方。
23、My art should be for the sake of the suffering. Oh, what a happy moment! How happy I was when I could get close to it!
我的艺术应当只为受苦的人造福。 啊,多么幸福的时刻啊! 当我能接近这地步时,我该多么幸福啊!
24、Believe it or not when I think of my inspiration to speak is a holy piano, I put it down dictation?
25、Music is a higher revelation than all wisdom and philosophy.
26、Full of compassion, you have to live forever; the earth does not exist, time becomes eternal. Hold your hands, touch your face, will you pinch into God’s face, one God, you finally get the eternal life in a calm mood.
慈悲满怀,你得永生; 地球不复存在,时间变成永恒。 托起你的双手,轻抚你的脸庞,将你捏成上帝的容貌,人神合一,你心平气和,终于得到永生。
27、The artists who are famous are so bound by their reputation that their earliest works are often the best.
28、One of the merits of excellent people is: never yield in spite of reverses in the negative and difficult encounter.
29、There may be a secret in even the most sacred friendship, but you must not misunderstand him because you cannot guess the secret of a friend.
30、Little drops of water finally can wear stone, not because it is strong, but because of day and night won’t drop pendant. Only hard work can get those skills.
涓滴之水终可磨损大石,不是由于它力量强大,而是由于昼夜不舍的滴坠。 只有勤奋不懈的努力才能够获得那些技巧。
31、Through suffering, to joy; through struggle, to victory.
通过苦难,走向欢乐; 通过斗争,走向胜利。
32、Any rule can be destroyed if it is more beautiful.
33、A person to see the sea, so that the heart away from impetuous, this is a wisdom of life can enjoy the best leisure.
34、My motto is: do not write every day; if I sometimes let art God sleep, only to wake up to make it more exciting.
我的箴言始终是:无日不动笔; 如果我有时让艺术之神瞌睡,也只为要使它醒后更兴奋。
35、According to my usual way of composing music, even if it is to write music, I always have a whole.
36、Freedom and progress is the goal of art, as the goal of life, if we modern people like our ancestors did firm, the essence of civilization in many ways will not play.
37、My hometown, I was born in a beautiful place, in front of me is always so beautiful, so bright, and I leave it without two.
38、Even for the throne of the king, do not deceive or violate the truth.
39、In addition to goodness, I do not recognize any other noble qualities.
40、We are, after all, made up of an infinite spirit, and are born to experience pain and joy, and one might as well say that the best man always trades in pain for pleasure.