关于爱情的英文句子 对女朋友说的情话



关于爱情的英文句子 对女朋友说的情话

(一) 脑子承受的压力太大,导致心情不怎么美丽。

(二) Love lost to time, time to me, I lost to reality.

(三) The sky fell, the earth sank, and the little yellow dog disappeared.

(四) 我喜欢你,哪怕只是一场空欢喜,我也愿意等。

(五) 希望和失望都折磨人,但希望折磨人的时间更长。

(六) Those who love you are afraid of not giving you enough; those who don't love you are afraid that you ask too much.

(七) If dream is contrary to reality, I would rather dream every day.

(八) The hope of life is marriage, and the only hope after marriage is divorce.

(九) This year, only does not hurt the hands of LiBai, which does not break up in love.

(十) 不见得我有多爱你,我只是厌倦了寻觅。

(十一) The bitter wine turns the willow to leave now, no wind, no moon and no you.

(十二) 爱你的人,生怕给你的不够;不爱你的人,就怕你要求太多。

(十三) Every festival is sad, lonely people smile and cry.

(十四) You still don't believe, my love for you, ha ha.

(十五) Not necessarily how much I love you, I'm just tired of looking.

(十六) As long as you say a word, I can appear in front of you immediately.

(十七) My love is like the wind, around you, never bound, never hindered.

(十八) Night outside the window sound, candle shadow light dream soul, know I understand I am only one person.

(十九) Since the day I lost you, I've tried my best to find you.

(二十) 微笑重逢那天,正是你回来之时。

(二十一) 我看见天空很蓝,就像你在我身边的温暖。

(二十二) 只要我们充满希望,我相信上帝会给我们幸福的机会。

(二十三) Women's first aging is never the appearance, but that reckless aggressive!

(二十四) 女人最先衰老的从来不是容貌,而是那份不顾一切的闯劲!

(二十五) If I didn't love you, how could you hurt me so thoroughly.

(二十六) 只要爱在,总会听到那句我愿意。

(二十七) Even if life is only one second, I still have the power to love you.

(二十八) 星星、月亮都睡着了,只有我为你醒着。

(二十九) 人生的希望就是结婚,结婚之后唯一的希望就是离婚。

(三十) 只要你的一句话,我可以马上出现在你面前。

(三十一) 你到现在还不相信,我对你的爱,呵呵。

(三十二) 天下没有不散的宴席,不过吃完了我还是要和你在一起。

(三十三) 在这世上珍贵的东西总是罕有,所以这世上只有一个你。

(三十四) 我不知道该说些什么,但我只知道这一刻突然很想你。

(三十五) I don't know what to say, but I only know that I miss you very much at this moment.

(三十六) 我是你的过眼云烟,而你却是我的末世依存。

(三十七) 就算生命只有一秒钟,我仍有爱你的念力。

(三十八) 自从丢了你那一天开始,我费尽心机四处找你。

(三十九) You are single not because you are not good enough, but because no one is worthy of you.

(四十) I like you, even if it's just an empty joy, I'm willing to wait.

(四十一) Love is a long process, after all, happiness is not Cao Cao, can not talk about it.

(四十二) You will accompany me to the end, really really good happiness.

(四十三) Suddenly, I will doubt that too persistent love you, is from love or unwilling.

(四十四) I am your past, but you are my last dependence.

(四十五) 天塌了,地陷了,小黄狗不见了。

(四十六) 夜阑窗外声,烛影照梦魂,知我懂我只一人。

(四十七) Love you is not a game, tears are not acting, instant happiness is not beautiful!

(四十八) I love you very much. Only when you have love can I feel at ease.

(四十九) I want to stay with you to live, to have a bit of bitterness, and to enjoy the happiness.

(五十) 我也不知怎的,我就是喜欢你!

(五十一) 爱情败给了时间,时间败给了我,我败给了现实。

(五十二) Love has always been both an exciting memory and a bright and clear expectation.

(五十三) After meeting you, all the people are passers-by.

(五十四) 用一生的真爱,牵手一世的幸福。

(五十五) What is love in the world? It's just a matter of falling.

(五十六) The saddest thing about life is that you can't forget until you lose something.

(五十七) Since the lovelorn, we must give up, the kite that broke the line can't be chased back.

(五十八) I don't know how, I just like you!

(五十九) Precious things are rare in this world, so there is only one you.

(六十) A ray of sunlight poured into the eyes, and a breeze caressed the cheek.

(六十一) A face of happiness, like you every day.

(六十二) 苦酒折柳今相离,无风无月也无你。

(六十三) Love and do not love are a feeling, adhere to do not insist is a blood and tears.

(六十四) 问世间情为何物,不过是一物降一物。

(六十五) Is it worth it to seek life and death for the sake of a relationship?

(六十六) 有些人明知道不可能,还是忍不住的爱上了。

(六十七) As long as we are full of hope, I believe that God will give us a chance to be happy.

(六十八) 站在雨巷,既没有油纸伞,也没有丁香花,也没有你。

(六十九) The stars and the moon are asleep, only I wake up for you.

(七十) 这个世界本来就是痛苦的,没有例外的。

(七十一) 爱一个人是真心话,说出来就是大冒险了。

(七十二) 每逢节日独伤心,寂寞人儿笑着哭。

(七十三) Why do I still struggle in memory, but you are already someone else's fairy tale.

(七十四) 爱情是一个漫长的过程,毕竟幸福不是曹操,不能说到就到。

(七十五) You are a ray of golden sunshine, gently evoking the flame of my youth.

(七十六) Time can test your patience for my love more than your promise.

(七十七) The world is painful, no exception.

(七十八) 既然失恋,就必须死心,断线而去的风筝是不可能追回来的。

(七十九) 你是一丝金色的阳光,柔和地唤起我青春的火焰。

(八十) 我的爱像风,在你左右,从不束缚,从不阻碍。

(八十一) 爱与不爱都是一种感觉,坚持不坚持却是一场血泪。

(八十二) Happiness can be achieved through learning, even though it is not our mother tongue.

(八十三) 一缕阳光向眼眸倾泻,一丝微风对脸颊轻抚。

(八十四) Standing in the rain lane, there is neither oil paper umbrella, nor lilac, nor you.

(八十五) The brain is under too much pressure, which leads to a less beautiful mood.

(八十六) 为什么我还在回忆里挣扎,你却已经是别人的童话。

(八十七) Some people know that it is impossible, or can not help falling in love.

(八十八) Love a person is true, say it is a big adventure.

(八十九) 人生最可悲的就是,失去了东西才懂得难以忘怀留恋。

(九十) There are no banquets that will never end, but I will stay with you after eating.

(九十一) 为了一段感情,就寻死觅活,是否值得?

(九十二) With a lifetime of true love, hand in hand with a lifetime of happiness.

(九十三) 不想伤心最好的办法,就是假装自己没心没肺。

(九十四) 爱情从来就既是令人激动的回忆,又是明快清澈的期待。

(九十五) 爱你不是游戏,落泪不是演戏,瞬间的幸福不美丽!

(九十六) I see the sky is very blue, just like your warmth around me.

(九十七) The best way not to be sad is to pretend to be heartless.

(九十八) 爱情就像是抽奖一样,你抽中了,才会有天长地久。

(九十九) 你不再左右为难了,就当做从来没有认识过。

(一佰) 这年头,只有不伤手的立白,哪有不分手的恋爱。

(一佰零一) You are no longer in a dilemma, as if you have never known.

(一佰零二) Smile, meet again that day, it's time for you to come back.

(一佰零三) 我想留下来陪你生活,一起吃点苦,再享享福。

(一佰零四) 很爱很爱你,只有让你拥有爱情,我才安心。

(一佰零五) 一脸幸福、喜欢有迩悳每一天。

(一佰零六) 如果梦想与现实是相反的,那么我宁愿天天做梦。

(一佰零七) 遇到你之后,所有的人都是路人甲。

(一佰零八) As long as love is there, I will always hear that sentence.

(一佰零九) 如若不是我爱你,怎会让你把我伤得那么彻底。

(一佰一十) Love is like a lucky draw. If you win, it will last forever.

(一佰一十一) Don't meet too early, I'm afraid I'm not good enough.

(一佰一十二) 你单身不是因为你不够好,而是说明目前还没有人配得上你。

(一佰一十三) 别遇见的太早,我怕自己不够好。

(一佰一十四) Don't cry when you are wronged, because no one cares about you!

(一佰一十五) Hope and disappointment both torture, but hope torments people longer.

(一佰一十六) 比起你的承诺,时间更能考验你对我爱的耐心。

(一佰一十七) 幸福是可以通过学习来获得的,尽管它不是我们的母语。

(一佰一十八) 不能一受委屈就哭,因为没人关心你!

(一佰一十九) 突然,我会怀疑太执着的爱你,是出自爱情还是不甘心。

(一佰二十) 你会陪我走到最后,真的真的好幸福。

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